Sunday, August 21, 2011

Had Enough Yet America? Lets License Politicians

It seems like everytime I turn around  there's some politician telling me what they think is "good" for me or trying to impose their will on me by legislating my civil liberties away! The irony is that these politicinas can't even manage their own (person or professional) lives yet they seem to think they have some divine right to dictate mine, and yours!  Really?

The economy is in the tank - Washington spends money like college kids on spring break, illegals / drug dealers cross our borders / enter our County seemingly unchallenged, jobs are gone, gas prices sky rocket for no apparent reason, obama care being shoved down our throats, etc, etc..

When is enough, enough America?  When did "We the People" sign over complete control of our personal and professional lives to the politicians? To my knowledge, we never did yet they seem tot think they own American and that "We the People" and nothing more than cattle for them to herd ... Not so much!

The America these criminals (aka politicians) are forcing upon us is NOT the America our founding Fathers envisioned and / or wanted and it's time "We the People" stand up, speak up, and send a CLEAR message to EVERY politician on EVERY level of Government that "We the People" OWN America and that THEY (politicians) work for us!

Case and point ... In my business I'm required to possess a State and Federal license (all this costs money by the way) To secure this licensing, I am required to submit to background checks, credit checks, fingerprinting, on going education, testing, etc, etc... It's INSANE how many hoops we have to jump through to earn a living & after we have, the politicians tell me how much I'm alloed to earn!! Outrageous!

I propose that "We the People" set up a licensing system for any / all politicians and that it applies to those already in office (including the President / Congress) and those aspiring to be in government on any / all levels!

"We the People" will apoint a civillian board to accetp and review applications .. The members of this board will be choosen at random (to prevent corruption) just as they select jurors and they will serve one one to two year terms. When their term is up, they leave and return to private life with NO perks, etc...

Existing and aspiring politicians will be required to register (for a fee paid out of their pocket!) themselves in a Nationwide database, submit to, and successfully pass criminal background, credit, and financial checks BEFORE they are allowed to continue on to the actual licensing process!

Application fee to be no less than $2500.00 - Non-refundable for any reason
Licensing Fee to be no less than $10,000.00 with a renewal fee of no less than $5000.00

Any / all applicants will be required to provide absolute, certified documented proof of their American citizenship BEFORE being allowed to continue / proceed - NO EXCEPTIONS! Any applicant with any ties to illegal aliens, terrorists, big corporations, etc will be automatically, and immediately disqualified -

After successfully passing the pre-screening process, politicians will then be required to take / pass (with a score of no less than 85%) 80 hours of continuing education - These courses will consist of American history, Constitutional law, economics, etc... I for one truly believe that any person in this Country aspiring to and / or currently holding any political office should be extremely well versed in how this Country was founded, the stuggles our founding Fathers endured, and why it's absolutely vital that that which they gave birth to is preserved, and protected and any and all costs!

A politician's license will carry a two yer life span, and must be renewed for a fee - Any / all licensing fees will be paid for by the applicants (no tax payer dollars will ever be utilized for this) and all moneys collected will be used to fund the civillian board of review - This will be a self sufficient, self sustaining system - PERIOD!

Upon application for renewal, ALL applicants political, personal, and financial records will be scrutinized to insure they reflect the highest stand of integrity / worthy of public trust - Renewal applications will be denied for financial irresponsibility, criminal offense's etc ... Renewal fees will NOT be refunded and the applicant will be disqualified from holding any public office for a period of at least 5 years and / or until they can redeem themselves before the American public.

Once a politicians term has ended, they will return to private life by default and do so without any "perks" - There will no longer be life long "golden parachute" style health insurance, benefits, secret service protection etc, etc..  Politicians will return to their former professions and EARN a living / pay their own way just like the people they took an oath to represent ..

Of course, my licensing idea needs fine tuned but it absolutely has merit ... Think about it, we as business people have to jump through the politicians hoops / be licensed to do practically anything! Who are they to think themselves exempt and / or unaccountable to those they serve??

If you like this idea, share it with your friends - let's move it forward and make it happen! Only "We the People" can reclaim the freedoms, liberities, and rigthts these politicians continue to steal from us ..  Remember, the politicians are PUBLIC SERVANTS! They ARE NOT royalty and / or above the law - If anything, they must be held to a higher standard than anyone else in America & when they get away with crimes, the entire system is broken!

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