Thursday, December 30, 2010

Don't Fall for the Banks / Fed HYPE!! HAMP is a SCAM and a MASSIVE FAILURE!

First, let's address and acknowledge the facts ...

Across America foreclosure prevention and loan modification companies popped up like weeds once the rip off artists learned there was easy money to be made by preying on the misfortunes of others ..It's a sad reality but, it's fact.

Secondly, we as consumers need to clearly understand that not all of these companies / individuals are crooks! There are just as many (if not more) honest, ethical, legitimate professionals out here offering distressed homeowners genuine services - I know this because I am one of them, and I've NEVER cheated anyone in spite of being cheated by clients who refused to pay me for services rendered. Oh yes America, getting "burned" is a two way street only you never hear about it when we get cheated as there's no agencies we can complain to and / or report this crime..

Lately, there's been a lot of media coverage / publication regarding how no one should have to pay for professional help ..Nonsense! No one goes to work for free and certainly the banks / Government is not helping homeowners "free of charge" by any stretch of any one's imagination!

The banks, Government, and so called non profits  are very well funded and compensated by OUR TAX DOLLARS for these alleged "free" don't buy that lie! The truth is, "they" just don't like and / or want competition from the private sector! This is the reality and truth you will never be told or hear from the media ..

7.2 TRILLION (12 zero's) of OUR TAX DOLLARS are being passed around to banks and government sponsored "free" help agencies instead of being passed out to the tax payers who paid them and desperately need them given back!! Remember president Bush's "stimulus" checks? What a joke! I think I got around $400 bucks back after I paid in over $30k in tax's LOL .. I framed the check and hung it on my office wall as a joke!

Do the math ... there are approximately 300 million people in America - Divide 7.2 Trillion dollars by 300 million... That would give EVERY American approximately $2.4 million dollars each!! Do you think that would solve America's economic crisis? Damned right it would!

I'm digressing ...

All the media hype you see / hear is clearly being promoted (and paid for) by those who DON'T want to see all that money spread around and / or see America's people financially strong again .. Guess who these people might be...The banks? The Government? The Wall St. Power Brokers? The Federal Reserve?  All of the above!

"HAMP Homeowner Bailout . . . money goes to banks, mostly

On November 30, Treasury finally began reporting how much it is actually paying out for foreclosure prevention to various banks and servicers (HAMP Incentive Payments 11-30-10). So far $728 million has been paid out to encourage mortgage modifications and prevent foreclosures. Of that total, less than $100 million has gone to homeowners. Nearly half the money was paid to servicers (mostly banks), and about 40% was paid to investors holding the mortgages (in many cases, banks). This relative trickle of homeowner bailout spending, one-tenth of one percent of the TARP bailout budget, turns out to end up mostly where the rest of TARP money ended up: going to the banks.

Meanwhile, the Congressional Oversight Panel's latest report finds that the Administration's foreclosure relief program has fallen woefully short of its targets, and concludes that the money set aside by Congress for homeowners may never get spent. The program's failure is partly due to bad program design, but also because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, charged with administration and enforcement of the HAMP contracts with banks, have failed in their roles. Pacta sund servanda.
Posted by Alan White on Friday, December 17, 2010 "

The bottom line is if you need a professional, expect to pay them! No one works for free do they? You don't, why should a person helping you out of a very bad situation?

It's up to you as an intelligent consumer to due your due diligence on whom you hire and decide what saving your family home is worth to you... It's just that simple

The Federal Trade Commission now says that as of January 31st, NO ONE (except lawyers and banks) will be allowed to charge retainer fees for their services ..To me, this is pure insanity and nothing more than a cleverly disguised power grab ... Think about it, why should lawyers and banks be exempt? Are they more honest?

C'mon're smarter than that aren't you? Honest lawyers and banks?  In all fairness, I'm sure there are many but how many do you know personally and / or met in your lifetime?

Let's also consider who runs the Government / Congress ....Lawyers and Big Banks

Makes you wonder doesn't it?

Since when do Americans allow themselves to be told what to do and / or who they can do it with?
Since when have "We the People" signed over our lives to politicians and greedy power brokers?

America, stop letting yourself be lied to and cheated ...

"We the People" should be free to hire anyone / anywhere to help us without interferance from any form of Government ..

Don't you agree?

The TRUTH is out here America!!

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